In 1937, Harlow Crooks borrowed heavily and gave up a secure job with a local electric utility to form an equal partnership with Russell Kirkhof. Although this move took courage, it certainly was not foolhardy. At that time, the conversion of the local power system from 30 Hertz to 60 Hertz required the rewinding of thousands of electric motors. The challenge was to get their share of this business.
Along with motor repairs, Harlo Corporation designed and built electric control panels. The design and construction of control panels, including entire power plant main control systems and nuclear power plant control systems, had become our specialty.
Harlo Corporation’s Control Panel Division is renowned for its high quality product and innovative engineering. This has allowed us to expand our markets from the entire United States throughout the world.
Russell Kirkhof remained active until the early 50's when he withdrew for other business interests. Harlo Products was established in 1958 as a subsidiary of Kirkhof Electric. Kirkhof Electric was then renamed Harlo Corporation in 1964.
Harlow managed the company through the fifties, sixties and into the seventies. Harlow's two sons, Dale and Richard, held the positions of President and Vice-President respectively throughout the sixties, seventies, eighties, and early into the 1990's. Today, Harlo Corporation and Harlo Products Corporation remain a family owned business with Mary Helen Crooks serving as the Chief Executive Officer / President, and Craig Crooks as Advisory Board Chairman.
Harlo Corporation